Becoming an Energy Expert


This book has been written to enable you to become an Energy Expert. Whether you’re responsible for building management, look after utilities, are in control of finances, operate a business, or just want to get up to speed on energy management and efficiency, the book can help you to do just that. Prepared by Paul Webb, a MEI Chartered Energy Manager with a wealth of experience and expertise, it is packed full of information and insight to help you save energy, thus both looking after the environment and saving money. Covering everything from the history of energy purchasing through to profiling, how to do an assessment through to legislation, and more, it is a comprehensive tool to enable you to get the most out of your energy.

Topics include what energy management is, building energy profiles, energy purchasing, assessments, data, best practice, codes, standards and legislation, technologies, and maintenance. Each chapter includes questions to help you check your understanding. After you have read the book you will have a good understanding of energy consumption and maintenance, with tangible and specific actions to undertake